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Loads of legitimate science proves that the amazing information presented herein is not too good to be true. The primary treatment discussed in this book is easy to take and literally costs only pennies. There are no toxic side effects, and it is readily available to anyone. Let's all put COVID in the rearview mirror forever.
Recent medical research on magnesium revealed something that even the medical visionary Thomas Levy didn't anticipate: magnesium is the natural antidote for the root cause of all pathalogical damage from every disease and poisoning known to man.
The overwhelming evidence in Hidden Epidemic proves that oral infections are responsible for most heart attacks and breast cancers, as well as a majority of other chronic degenerative diseases.
The Toxic Tooth: How a root canal could be making you sick delivers exactly what the title promises: A surprising, powerful exposé of one of dentistry's most common procedures.
The regular intake of dairy and calcium supplementation promotes all known chronic degenerative diseases, and it significantly shortens life.
A hereditary defect prevents the human body from synthesizing a natural cure-all made by most animals and found in abundance by primal man.
According to national statistics, your odds of developing coronary heart disease may be greater than getting tails in a simple coin toss! Why leave it to chance?
Don't just accept a casual, unenlightened assessment of what high-dose vitamin C can and cannot do. Read the truth for yourself.
© 2024 Dr. Thomas Levy. All rights reserved